Title: Correspondence 1969 Category: Fan/General
Written: 1969 Pages: 1,466
Part 1 - Pp 1-300 Primarily fan correspondence, with friends and un-agented business sprinkled throughout.. Roughly alpha by name in sort order, A through F. Highlights include Poul Anderson, Forry Ackerman, Arthur C. Clarke, L. Sprague de Camp. Rear Admiral Robert Clark with 1930 duty roster from USS Lexington, pp144-146, Avram Davidson
Part 2 - Primarily fan correspondence, with friends and un-agented business sprinkled throughout..Roughly alpha by name in sort order, F through H. Heinlein extended family members tend to be sorted as 'H' even for Lermer, Bacchus, etc. Highlights include David Gerrold, Frank Herbert, Correspondence with NASA re request for journalist pass to cover Apollo 11.
Part 3 - Primarily fan correspondence, with friends and un-agented business sprinkled throughout.. Roughly alpha by name in sort order, H through M. Highlights include David Gerrold, Cal Laning. Associate Justice of the CA Supreme Court Stanley Mosk, Frank Herbert, Sam Moskowitz, Correspondence with NASA re request for journalist pass to cover Apollo 11. Correspondence with Will McNelly re his paper "Linguistic Relativity in Middle High Martian"
Part 4 - Primarily fan correspondence, with friends and un-agented business sprinkled throughout.. Roughly alpha by name in sort order, M through S. Highlights include: Fred Pohl, Jerry Pournelle, Frank Robinson, G. Harry Stine, Exchange with Robinson re some questions/answers for proposed Playboy interview at pp1135-1137
Part 5 - Primarily fan correspondence, with friends and un-agented business sprinkled throughout.. Roughly alpha by name in sort order, S through Z. .Highlights include G. Harry Stine. Sample of Ginny answering fan mail in serial at pp 1457-1466.
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