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Title: Business Late 1980s  Category: Business/Agents  

Written: 1985-1989  Pages: 300



Correspondence in a range roughly from late 1987 into mid-1990s. Mostly business, but some personal mixed in. Highlights: G. Hary Stine debt collection. Foreign publications and tax matters with agent Ralph Vicinanza, 1988-1995. Liz Mozeley and Bob Tanner of International Scripts(London) re film rights. Agent Eleanor Wood of Spectrum. Comic book "Stranger in a Strange Land" #2, by Bruce Bollinger, published by "Rip Off Press".. Proposal for "Robert A. Heinlein Companion" from Martin H. Greenberg. Various publisher statements.


Publication: Parts 1-4 Never published.


Notes: This is Part 1 of a 4 part series.

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