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Title: Ralph Vicinenanza/Elenor Wood  Category: Agents

Written: 1978-1990  Pages: 599



Part 1, 214 pages. Agent Ralph Vicinanza. 1984-1988 Mostly in reverse chronological order. Foreign rights correspondence.

Part 2, 301 pages. Agent Eleanor Wood, 1986-90. Mostly in reverse chronological order. Highlights include correspondence concerning the publication of "To Sail Beyond the Sunset". 

Part 3, 84 pages. Agent Eleanor Wood, 1984-1985. Mostly in reverse chronological order. Highlights include correspondence concerning the publication of "The Cat Who Walks Through Walls". End of file is a 1984 letter appointing Ms. Wood as conservator of their trust should both Robert and Ginny be incapacitated. Letter discusses the nature and location of the Heinleins assets at that time, including over 1,000 ounces of gold secreted in multiple locations around their house in Santa Cruz (worth approx. $350,000 at the time).




CORR034 - Ralph Vicinenanza/Elenor Wood

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