Title: Jim Baen/Susan Allison Letters Category: Agents
Written: -- Pages: 512
Part 1 - Predictions for 1981 (not written by RAH).
Part 2 - Correspondence with Jim Baen and Susan Allison, mostly concerning “Expanded Universe”
Part 3 - Correspondence with Berkley Books and Putnam about various reprint publications, and publication of “The Cat Who Walks Through Walls”. Ends with one fan letter.
Part 4 - Eastern Michigan University awarding RAH Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.
Part 5 - Alexandria Literary Publishing in Moscow, their information brochure and a letter to Ginny talking about publishing and piracy in the USSR.
Part 6 - NASA description of honors info.
Part 7 - calendar pages with birthdays of friends listed.
Part 8 - Hodgepodge including Leadville mining booklet, 250 Ways to Make Candy, info on Japanese suicide traditions,
Part 9 - Letter canceling film rights to “Stranger”, contracts and other materials relating to “Strange In a Strange Land”.
Part 10 - Verbatim asking for article.
Part 11 - Exchange of Correspondence with Putnams about various publications.
Part 12 - A couple letters, fan letters, and article by a small Australian press.
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