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Title: Cal Laning and Others  Category: Agents

Written: 1943-1971  Pages: 924



Parts 1 - Feb 1943-Dec 1945. Pp 1-221 - Highlights include: Willy Ley, Cal Laning, E. E. Smith. Robert or Leslyn to L. Ron Hubbard, including admission that hearing "Ballad of Rodger Young" on the radio makes author "cry every time", pp 44-45. Heinlein to boss at NAMC Philadelphia regarding implications of atomic bombs recently dropped on Japan, pp 67-71. Letter from RAH to Congressman Jerry Voorhis supporting Voorhis bill to put atomics under the UN, pp 117-120.. Personal reply from Voorhis to RAH at pp148-149. Text of Voorhis bill, pp150-161.  Voorhis correspondence ongoing from there. Various Ginny Gerstenfeld to Robert and Leslyn, 1945.

Part 2 - Jan 1946-Dec 1946  pp 222 - 573   Highlights include: Cal Laning, Congressman Jerry Voorhis, Jack Williamson, EE Doc Smith, L. Spraque DeCamp, Ginny Gerstenfeld, Ted Sturgeon.

Part 3 - Jan 1947-Dec 1947 pp 574-874 - Highlights include: Sprague DeCamp, Cal Laning, L. Ron Hubbard, Theodore Sturgeon, Ginny Gerstenfeld.    Various telegrams and letters congratulating on first appearance in Saturday Evening Post ("Green Hills of Earth"). First correspondence with Arthur C. Clarke, re British Interplanetary Society, pg 630. Discussion of editing "Flight into the Future" in letter to Laning, pp702-705.

Parts 4 - Feb 1948 - May 1971, Pp 875-924 - Primarily correspondence with Hermann Deutsch of the New Orleans States-Item. File ends with letter from RAH to Poul Anderson thanking Anderson for a book dedicated to him.



CORR060 - Cal Laning and Others

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