Title: Lost Legacy - Novella
Written: June, October-November 1939 Pages: 338
Part 1 - 237 pages, contains list of other possible titles for “Lost Legacy”. Several pages of typed and handwritten notes about the story with partial manuscript pages for story titled “Birthright (or Fire Over Shasta)”. Letter from Campbell dated September 15, 1939 discussing RAH’s proposed story idea. Magazine articles (research) on story subject. Submission letter dated February 1, 1940 to Edward John Carnell in London, England submitting three stories (as recommended by Forrest Ackerman) and proposing “Lost Legacy”. Several pages of handwritten notes and manuscript pages. 11 handwritten notecards (front and back) with story notes. Photos of Mt. Shasta (postcards?). Typewritten manuscript for “Half Gods Go” (incomplete) with some hand-edits. Typewritten manuscript (appears complete) of “Lost Legacy” with numerous hand-edits and black-marker edits (blacked out phrases, crossed-out sections).
Part 2 - 101 pages, Another manuscript version, incomplete, with scattered out-of-order pages. Published story in Astonishing Story, March (year?) with “Lost Legion” by Lyle Monroe.
Published in Super Science Stories, November 1941, as Lost Legion by "Lyle Monroe" and collected into Assignment in Eternity (1953)]Other Anthology Appearances: Off The Main Sequence: The Other Science Fiction of Robert Heinlein (ed. Andrew Wheeler; introductions by Greg Bear and Michael Cassutt: SFBC, October 2005).
Notes: Alternate title: “Lost Legion” By Lyle Monroe
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