Title: Blowups Happen - Novelette
Written: February 1940 Pages: 164
File contains submission notes for “Blow-ups Happens”. 18 pages of notecards of notes for story (on the backs of old address cards). Five pages of typed and handwritten notes for story. Research article on subject. Letter from R. E. Malenfant, October 20, 1977, Los Alamos, talking about how RAH had anticipated their then-current research, asking for history of story development—two page letter from RAH in reply, dated July 15, 1978, says he wrote and spoke freely about “atomics” (no one told him not to) until Dec. 7, 1941 when he “clammed up” (also without being told to), mentions health problems of this time. Typewritten manuscript of story with some hand-edits and one handwritten insertion. Published story from Astounding, September 1940.
published Astounding SF September 1940; revised for several anthologizations after WWII; the revised version was collected into The Man Who Sold the Moon (1950) and The Past Through Tomorrow (1967); in Expanded Universe (1980), Heinlein restored the final authorized version to his original typescript from 1940]. Other anthology appearances: The Best of Science Fiction (ed. Groff Conklin, Crown 1946); The Astounding Science Fiction Anthology (ed. John W. Campbell, Simon & Schuster 1952); Best SF 2 (ed. Edmund Crispin, Faber & Faber, 1956); A Robert Heinlein Omnibus (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1966).
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