Title: Delilah and the Space Rigger - Short Story
Written: November 1948 Pages: 130
File contains 4 drafts of manuscript (2 copies of final), all with hand-edits, various titles including “Honor Guard” and “Rebellion on the Moon”. Letters in which RAH assures that the published story offers no information or comfort to the enemy. Published story, titled “Rebellion on the Moon” in The American Legion Magazine, December 1949.
American Legion Magazine, December 1949 as Rebellion on the Moon; collected into The Green Hills of Earth and Other Stories (1951) and carried forward to The Past Through Tomorrow (1967); also adapted by Heinlein for television as Opus 104. Other Anthology appearances: Beyond Time and Space (ed. August Derleth, Pellegrini Cudahy, 1950); The Robert Heinlein Omnibus (Sidgwick & Jackson/SFBC, 1958); A Robert Heinlein Omnibus(Sidgwick & Jackson, 1966); The Best of Robert Heinlein (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973); The Science Fiction Roll of Honor (ed. Frederik Pohl, Random House, 1975); The Future at War, Vol. 1 (ed. Reginald Bretnor, Ace 1979).
Notes: Working titles: Honor Guard and Guard of Honor; published as Rebellion on the Moon.
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