Title: Starship Troopers (parts 5-7) - Novel
Written: 1959 Pages: 644
Part 5, 320 pages, contains mss draft labeled “Author’s safety copy”.
Part 6, 141 pages, contains mss draft to mss page 139 labeled “trade book printer’s copy”, with edits and cross-outs.
Part 7, 183 pages, contains mss draft pages 140 to end labeled “trade book printer’s copy”, with edits and cross-outs.
Rejected by the Scribner’s editorial board; Heinlein expanded the novel to 90,000 words and sold it to Putnam’s, who brought it out in 1959. Serial publication of 20,000 word condensation in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction as Starship Soldier in October, November 1959.
Notes: Alternate titles: Shoulder the Sky, Sky Soldier, Starship Soldier
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