Title: Farnham's Freehold (Parts 11-14) - Novel
Written: October 1964 Pages: 903
Part 11, 242 pages, contains part 1 of manuscript for serial use, no edits.
Part 12, 242 pages, contains part 2 of manuscript for serial use, no edits.
Part 13, 209 pages, contains part 1 of safety copy of final manuscript, no edits.
Part 14, 209 pages, contains part 2 of safety copy of final manuscript, no edits.
Serialized in slightly condensed version in Worlds of If Magazine, July, August, October 1964; novel published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons in 1964
Notes: Working title: Grand Slam!; alternate working titles: Hugh Farnham, A Lonely Thing.
OPUS 147Dve - Farnham's Freehold (Parts 11-14)