Title: I Will Fear No Evil (parts 1-5) - Novel
Written: June-September 1969 Pages: 971
Part 1, 200 pages, contains handwritten notes about story.
Part 2, 200 pages, contains handwritten notes about story.
Part 3, 200 pages, contains handwritten notes about story.
Part 4, 232 pages, contains handwritten notes about story, typewritten pages, edited, of notes for a 30,000 word version for Playboy, article about transplants, newspaper article clipping about first black Miss America, newspaper clipping photo of woman twisting in a yoga position, newspaper clipping about yoga, an article titled “The Levels of Life and Semantic Confusion” with a notation that he ran across the article after writing “I Will Fear No Evil” but both reached the same conclusion.
Part 5, 138 pages, contains handwritten notes and scattered discarded manuscript pages.
Notes: Working title: Now I Lay Me Conceived as a 2-part serial for Playboy at about 30,000 words; written at about 165,000 words and cut to 157,400 words for publication. After the initial cutting, Heinlein became seriously ill with peritonitis and was unable to complete the revisions; his wife, as his attorney-in-fact, took a cut in advance rather than allow it to be edited by Putnam’s.
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