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Title: James G. Forrestal Lecture - Speech/Lecture

Written:  This lecture was written in January-February 1973 at a length of about 13,000 words and revised in March 1973 to make a one-hour speech (about 6000 words), which was delivered as part of the James Forrestal Memorial lecture series at the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis on April 5, 1973 before the Brigade of Midshipmen at the Field House.    Pages: 586



Part 1, 265 pages, contains letters asking if RAH would do the James G. Forrestal Lecture along with arrangements for the speech itself. Follows are letters with Analog and Ben Bova regarding a reprint. There is discussion of a pirated copy of the tape being sold. Numerous fan letters and requests for reprints (RAH usually gave military publications permission). Starting at page 124 of this file are 37 pages of “trip preparations”, some of which are schedules of events and travel, but most of which are notes and preparations for the speech—an interesting look at how RAH structured and prepared such a speech including an alphabetical mnemonic. Last 105 pages of this file are two copies of a first draft of the speech, the first with extensive hand-edits.

Part 2, 245 pages, contains several drafts of speech, with edits. Several drafts of the Analog guest editorial version. 

Part 3, 76 pages, contains several published versions of “Pragmatics of Patriotism”.



At Ben Bova’s request, the shortened revision was slightly revised further and then published as a 5,800 word guest editorial titled “Channel Markers” in Analog Science Fact Science Fiction for January 1974.  The last half (about 3,500 words) was published in several current magazines and periodicals, often under the title “The Pragmatics of Patriotism,” but sometimes as “The Politics of Pragmatism,” then collected into Expanded Universe in 1980 as “The Pragmatics of Patriotism” and in Destinies (Summer 1980).


Notes: The speech exists in both printed and tape-recorded forms, and the audio recording has been transferred to CD-ROM for long-term preservation.

OPUS 167ve - James G. Forrestal Lecture


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