Title: Analysis: Kokjohn Book - Review
Written: between July 1974 and February 1975 Pages: 22
A long critical analysis of a first novel, written between July 1974 and February 1975, probably as a favor to a friend or because the book dealt with a subject he thought important. Marie Guthrie-Ormes suggests that this analysis is in the restricted correspondence, which will not become available until 2037.
Biographer's notes by Bill Patterson: 03/03/75 RAH starts writing Opus #170, Analysis & criticism of 90,000+ wd novel THE JESUS SUIT -- Joseph E. Kokjohn, VP of St. Ambrose College, Davenport, Ohio. 3-23 Mar 75 incl. No fee. Note: carbon of analysis filed in book notes box for projected book re writing for money -- NOT IN OPUS FILE FOLDER. No such file has ever been found among RAH's papers as of 3/31/04 and is presumed destroyed in 1987 or 1988.
Notes: There are no manuscript materials for this file in the Robert A. Heinlein Archives. What remains here is all we could find reguarding the article.
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