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Title: Job: A Comedy of Justice (parts 5-11) - Novel

Written: August 1982, April - June 1983   Pages: 1,631



Part 5, 240 pages, contains revised manuscript copy pages 1-242.

Part 6, 244 pages, contains revised manuscript copy pages 243-486, end.

Part 7, 240 pages, contains manuscript with technical edits only, pages 1-237.

Part 8, 249 pages, contains manuscript with technical edits only, pages 238-486, end.

Part 9, 253 pages, contains letter saying the publisher is returning ‘dead’ material. Manuscript copy with publisher edits pages 1-245.

Part 10, 244 pages, contains manuscript copy with publisher edits pages 246-486, end, plus word list for book.

Part 11, 160 pages, contains bestseller lists, clippings and reviews, memo at end from RAH pointing out a correction in the book, list of errata in book.



Published in the September-October 1982, a shortened version of this letter was used as a Foreword in High Frontiers:  A New National Strategy by Daniel O. Graham.


Notes: Alternate title: The Devil We Know and Always Tip the Headsman.

OPUS 187B - Job: A Comedy of Justice

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